We've all had those weeks where the kids seem to be more crazy than usual. I always come into the lounge at my wit's end and say, "What is WRONG with them today?!" More often than not, the response is, "It's a full moon." Hmm. Then, the end of last week came. Thursday we had a fight at school that ended with blood all over the hallway. Friday morning, we had 2 more fights and one threat. Again, I entered the lounge with my question, and the response this time was, "It's Friday the 13th." A friend of mine at another school said they had 7 fights on the same day! What!?
I am usually a cynic. I do not believe in good and bad luck. My question is, do we create a self-fulfilling prophecy by predicting the kids will be crazy on Friday the 13th or do weird dates and the pull of the moon actually affect our systems? I'm beginning to think that maybe some of these aren't just old wives tales...