Tuesday, June 28, 2011

She DID IT!!!

After a lot of practice, Elysen finally rolled over this morning! Yesterday, she was grabbing my finger and pulling herself over, so I just knew it would be soon. Sure enough, I put her on her blanket this morning and after some effort and a toy held up to tempt her, she plopped right over onto her tummy. Of course, I went crazy and she looked at me like I was insane.
She was having a bit of a fussy morning so she wasn't content on the ground anymore after rolling over. So we got up and she ate. Then, we tried again, and this time, she made it look easy!

(This was after the fussy time, sorry for the tears and drool, but that's the reality of our life right now.)

All day long we practiced and practiced so that she could show Daddy when he got home. He was just as impressed as I was.
Now, Elysen will hardly stay on her back for 2 seconds. She loves being on her tummy so much more than her back. After every nap today, I put her on her back to say hi, and within 10 seconds, she was rolling over.
David could hardly keep her on the cabinet after bath time tonight....

I think we've created a monster. :)

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