Friday, July 26, 2013

Judah - 3 months

Judah, you are 3 months old! These last 3 months have been full of exhaustion, but they have been simply delightful - you are such a sweet guy.

Weight: Not sure

Height: Not sure about this either. We will know @ 4 months!

Sizes: You are solidly in all of your 3 month clothes. Shorts and pants are long and baggy, but all of your onesies are just right. You are wearing size 1 diapers. And you wear your newborn shoes to church.

What you're up to:
- You are laughing and cooing and trying to talk. You especially come alive with noises after Elysen has gone to bed when you have alone time with Daddy and I. I imagine that you must spend all day listening to the constant chatter from your sister, so when she's not around, it's finally your turn to talk! I wouldn't be surprised if that's the way you are for a long time.

- You are very ticklish. It makes me laugh so much. You are especially ticklish around your tummy and behind your ears. You laugh out loud if something tickles you - and of course, that makes me do it more because it's so cute.

- You went on your first family vacation this month. We went to Beaver's Bend with Da, Marmee, Ashley, Allison and JB at the beginning of July. You loved being around everyone, but you didn't love being in a strange place at night. Between you and your sister, your daddy and I got very little sleep at night during vacation, but we still had a blast.

At Brookshire's Wildlife Museum

Meeting Granny for the first time

- You are interested in everything. I put you in the Baby Bjorn for the first time last week and you LOVE it. You like to gaze at everything around you or at me while we walk around.

- These days, you chew on EVERYTHING! You love to chew your hands, or my hands, or my arm, or your paci, or my chew everything!

- You're still nursing all day and at night. We give you one bottle - usually your middle of the night feeding because it's a fast way to feed you enough so that we can all get back to sleep. Unlike your sister, you do not sleep through the night yet. You still wake up every 3-4 hours at night. You managed to sleep for 7 hours 1 night about 2 weeks ago and haven't repeated that since....we sure wish you would, but I know you are growing and learning too much to sleep right now. :)

Playing with ReeRee

- You and I have been working on rolling over this month. We always spend some time on the floor talking to each other and singing and working on tummy time. You like this much better than you did a few weeks ago.

After your 2 month sad

- You are still completely in love with your sister. She makes you smile each time you see her. Granted, I think she also scares you to death, but you love her just the same. It's a good thing that you love seeing and hearing her so much because she loves you like crazy. If she gets up before you in the morning, she's so sad and asks for you until you get up.

Sister always helps with bath time

- You still fight when it's time to go to sleep, but I think we're getting better about this now that you're awake for longer during the day. The workers in the nursery at church love you, but they always tell me how you fight sleeping.

- Your future friend Will Scism was born this month. You two have yet to meet, but I'm sure it won't be long before we visit them.

- I think you're going to like music like your sister. You love it when I sing to you, so I sing a lot. Most of the time, it's "You are My Sunshine" but occasionally we put a few others in the mix.

Sleeping with Aunt Ash

Well, you're still my easy-going, sweet and smiley guy. I wish I could capture your sweetness at this age and have it later on in life. You are just so happy to be with us, and we are happy to be with you! I love to snuggle with you and make you laugh. I know that you'll want to be independent before I know it, so I'll take advantage of this sweet time.

I love you so much, my sweet boy. You are a joy to my life.

 Judah @ 3 months - Elysen @ 3 months

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